Sunday, September 30, 2007

blogging on the iPhone!

hello all! Its been awhile since my last post! Ive been busy with school and life! Everythings going well though :) right now i'm using my favorite purchase of the year - the iphone! If you havent gotten one yet, you should! The only priblem i have had was when i dropped it on concrete and damaged the ring/silent switch! Apple replaced it for free, as long as I bought the AppleCare protection plan! I love apple! And us iPhone users just got the itunes wifi store, its amazing!! The songs download very quickly!! I'll definitely use it a lot!

Other than the iPhone, ive gotten some other things lately! The one bad thing is that the iPhone doesn't have copy/paste, so when I'm back on my computer I'll post pics!

Barneys opened a week or two ago, so I went! I got a vena cava dress and ... The mbmj dr q groovee!!!! In nice tan! My birthdays next Saturday, so I'm getting the bag then! I'm so excited!

I also got the frye bonnie boots! I'm obsessed with them!! Yayay!

Ive gotten a few other things I can't quite remember! Oh yeah, some YSL sunglasses!! Yay. I'm trying not to buy pointless things! I'm doing well at cutting back on shopping this year :)

I guess I'll go but I'll post pics sometime!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Hey all! I'm back from MEXICO!!! I'm putting random pictures of me and my friends in this little entry. We're all making tons and tons of facebook albums, so I'm going to have a TON of pictures. I have 1,600 of my own, and the facebook albums keep popping up! Yayay, way to go facebook! It was amazing! We did soooo much and I'm so exhausted!! But on the bright side, today was a beautiful "first day home" kind of day. I woke up, unpacked a little, ate a bagel, went and got a manicure and pedicure, got my car all gassed up and washed, and went swimming and lay down by the pool! Also, I'm currently eating chinese food and waiting for my iphone to be activated! Woooo! It's so fun. I can't wait for it to work! Then I have to put all of my contacts onto it which won't be too fun! OH WELL! I'm excited!!

Anywho, more about Mexiland. I stayed in a house with my best friend, which was good. There was this psycho girl on the trip and if I had had to stay with her I'm pretty sure I would've died. There was one day when she thought she was pregnant, and she had to explain to her Mexican mother that she thought she was pregnant! Awkward? Yeah. And all she does is talk about sex and her boyfriend's fat dick. Woooo my fav! Love hearing about other people's sex lives - not! Whatever, it makes for tons of interesting stories to tell! And two of my friends and I actually each bought three pairs of matching underwear inspired by this girl, because her jeans were always so low that her underwear was clearly visible. Lace thongs over the top of your ripped Paige jeans are the way to go!!

We went to school for about like a gajillion hours a day. Not really, we went from 8-2. My class was 5 people, and we had grammar and conversation class together. Grammar class was kind of a certain type of hell, but we made it through it. Conversation was really fun! We just spoke in Spanish about life and sex and yadayadayada. You know how it goes! Anyways, after that we went to Acapulco. We had a bit of a scare during the last few days there, my friend and I thought we'd have to share a hotel room with this girl in Acapulco! Luckily we didn't, and we ended up sharing a room with two of our other friends. It was a room with two double beds and we had to share beds - not my favorite thing ever. But whatever, we were all so tired it didn't even matter!!! Acapulco was HOT. We'd step outside in the morning and sweat like 5 pounds away. It was gross but the pools and beaches felt nice!! I loveee just lying around in the sun. I got pretty tan if I do say so myself!

Speaking of tans ... I just want to give like a shout out to my favorite sunscreen ever. Neutrogenia Sheer Touch with Helioplex. It's light on your face but you can also use it on your body. AMAZING. Dermatologists reccomend it as like the best sunscreen or whatever because of this helioplex stuff. I brought 8 tubes of it with me and I didn't get sunburned! Everyone should definitely use it. Skin cancer is not cool!

I'm going to go, but I'll be updating soon hopefully! I haven't started back to school shopping yet, but when I do it'll probably be intense!! I have a list of what I'd like, but we all know you can't always get what you want. Oh well, it's going to work out. I'm just excited to go shopping!!

Thursday, July 05, 2007


I'm a little boredddd right now and avoiding my AP Spanish homework! I hope everyone had a lovely 4th of July! I'm at my ranch for a month, and then I'm off to Mexicooo for 18 days and I'm super excited! But I realllly want to go shopping. What I really want right now is this mbmj bag. I really like this style, and I can't decide if I want that bag or this tote version. Hum de dum, difficult decisions!

I still haven't found anything this summer that I'm OBSESSED with and absolutely NEED to have (i.e. last summer's mbmj clock necklaces ..) But we all know that I will. :) I'm currently kind of obsessed with American Apparel ... I ordered a bunch of t-shirts and stuff from there and I think I should probably order more ASAP. I got the regular V-necks and one deep v! Everyone said the deep v's were way better but I like the regular ones too! The deep ones are almost too deep for me to wear without a tanktop or something under .. and when its summer who really wants to be wearing 5 shirts?? Not me. But I'm sure I'll be ordering a lot more very soon. And those shiny headbands are amazing ... I think I'll order every color. For $3.50, how can you not??

As soon as I get back from Mexico, I'm going into a full on dress search (as if I'm not in one already!) My best friend's 16th birthday happens to fall on the same day as her little sister's bat mtizvah! So basically ... that sucks. But we decided that we're going all out for this party, so we're going to wear fancy dresses, high heels, have gorgeous hair and makeup, and just make the day as good as it can be. Soo I'm looking for a dress and shoes. Maybe a yellow dress, so I can be like Belle in Beauty and the Beast. Hmm. This could take awhile.

I also need some boots to wear this fall. At least three pairs - 2 pairs of rainboots and one pair of flat, camel colored leather boots. I really want these Hunter wellies in yellow. I hate the rain, and I need something happy in my day! I also like these Kate Spade rainboots, I think they're happy too! I don't really need both pairs, but you never know what the weather will be like and when you'll get sick of your shoes! Last year in April, we had a rain record in the Bay Area, like the longest period of time with rain every day since ... I don't know when. It was HORRENDOUS. I hated it. Luckily we barely had any rain this year so all was good. As for the flat leather boots ... I don't know what I'll do. If anyone has any suggestions, please help! I was also thinking of bringing a pair of cowboy boots form Montana back home, because if anyone should be wearing cowboy boots in their outfits, it's me.

Once again, I hope you all had a fabulous 4th of July, and I hope nobody is suffering from any nasty hangovers! Oh, and if you are unlucky like me and have summer homework, start it now. It will suck, you won't want to do it, but it's better than leaving it until the last minute! If you do, then you can just think of me. I'll be back at home shopping, swimming, reading and eating (and leading a freshman orientation or two...) while you're slaving away over that awful homework. Basically, start it now. Even if it's just typing the title of one of the many emails you'll be sending your AP Spanish teacher (as I have done), you'll feel like you've done something! Good luck!!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Kors shoes on sale!

I just found these Kors shoes on sale on marked down from $195 to $58.50!!!! So I mean, that's pretty good. Sadly, they're only in a size 8. Or else I would've bought them, not necessarily because I like them, but because I love buying things on sale ... something I should do more often! Here's the link, if you're interested: KORS Dubois Open Toe Heel. They come in navy/white and black/white! So if you're the fortunate person with a size 8 foot and the $60 bucks to buy these, snatch them up! I don't even know whether I think they're cute or ugly, but that hasn't stopped me from buying things before!

Please tell me you think they're ugly to make me feel better about my big feet!!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Designer phones?

So we've all seen those silly designer things such as Dior contacts. But what about designer phones? Yeah there was the D&G Razr, DVF Sidekick, and maybe a Betsey Johnson or two thrown in. But what about a phone that the design house actually helped design? I had never heard of this phone before, until a guy showed me! In case the iPhone is just not your cup of tea, you can get something very similar, for just a few hundred more! It's the LG Prada, a touch screen phone similar to Apple's iPhone. It combines Prada's design with LG's technology. You can read CNET's review here, and some random blog's review of the iPhone vs. Prada here. And if you've decided that you'd like to drop some money on the Prada, you can buy one here for $699.99! At only $100 more than the 8 GB iPhone, you might as well pay to have the brand name! Or, you can be like me, sitting paitently waiting for my iPhone to come in the mail. :) Personally, I can't see myself wanting a designer phone ... I'd rather buy a pair of shoes or something! If J.Crew came out with a phone though ...

Have a lovely Monday!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

spring/summer 07 shopping

So ... it's summer! Which means I'm in Montana wearing nothing but big tshirts and J.Crew shorts, dreaming of the lovely clothes I've left at home! Oh well, I'll be back sooner rather than later!

Speaking of home ... there's a slight possibility that I'll be moving in the next year or two! Not away from California, I'd probably die. I'm hoping I'll move, I hate my house now! Maybe you've seen it. It looks nice, but it's complete and utter crap. I hope I get to move!

So I've been shopping lately ... yay. Here's some rather recent stuff! I hope everyone's had as great a spring/summer as I have!

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mbmj clutch!

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Barney's mayan bag

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my third mbmj clock necklace!

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MBMJ wallet! whee

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J.Crew headbands, I'm addicted!

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Primp, Juicy! I LOVE the deer. I saw b.spears in some shorts ... if anyone has a link to those and wants to help out, that would be so kind! thanks!

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J.Crew, C&C!

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A.J. Morgan sunglasses from Anthro and some broken BP sunglasses ... hm

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Juicy leggos

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J.Crew! They're not very comfortable :(

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Joie, I love these!

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Miu Miu - such soft leather!

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Manolosss I love these

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Juicy and juicy!

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Anthro again ... SO SEE THROUGH!

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Vince jersey tees - IM OBSESSED. everyone should try these.

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Rubbish tanktops from BP nordstrom. i love these

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Michael Stars dress

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Anthro tee that I have not yet worn ..

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J.Crew coverups

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More J.crew...

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I kind of like J.Crew~

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Free people!

Life is good! I'll be posting back later! Adios!

blogging on the iPhone!

hello all! Its been awhile since my last post! Ive been busy with school and life! Everythings going well though :) right now i'm using my favorite purchase of the year - the iphone! If you havent gotten one yet, you should! The only priblem i have had was when i dropped it on concrete and damaged the ring/silent switch! Apple replaced it for free, as long as I bought the AppleCare protection plan! I love apple! And us iPhone users just got the itunes wifi store, its amazing!! The songs download very quickly!! I'll definitely use it a lot!

Other than the iPhone, ive gotten some other things lately! The one bad thing is that the iPhone doesn't have copy/paste, so when I'm back on my computer I'll post pics!

Barneys opened a week or two ago, so I went! I got a vena cava dress and ... The mbmj dr q groovee!!!! In nice tan! My birthdays next Saturday, so I'm getting the bag then! I'm so excited!

I also got the frye bonnie boots! I'm obsessed with them!! Yayay!

Ive gotten a few other things I can't quite remember! Oh yeah, some YSL sunglasses!! Yay. I'm trying not to buy pointless things! I'm doing well at cutting back on shopping this year :)

I guess I'll go but I'll post pics sometime!


Hey all! I'm back from MEXICO!!! I'm putting random pictures of me and my friends in this little entry. We're all making tons and tons of facebook albums, so I'm going to have a TON of pictures. I have 1,600 of my own, and the facebook albums keep popping up! Yayay, way to go facebook! It was amazing! We did soooo much and I'm so exhausted!! But on the bright side, today was a beautiful "first day home" kind of day. I woke up, unpacked a little, ate a bagel, went and got a manicure and pedicure, got my car all gassed up and washed, and went swimming and lay down by the pool! Also, I'm currently eating chinese food and waiting for my iphone to be activated! Woooo! It's so fun. I can't wait for it to work! Then I have to put all of my contacts onto it which won't be too fun! OH WELL! I'm excited!!

Anywho, more about Mexiland. I stayed in a house with my best friend, which was good. There was this psycho girl on the trip and if I had had to stay with her I'm pretty sure I would've died. There was one day when she thought she was pregnant, and she had to explain to her Mexican mother that she thought she was pregnant! Awkward? Yeah. And all she does is talk about sex and her boyfriend's fat dick. Woooo my fav! Love hearing about other people's sex lives - not! Whatever, it makes for tons of interesting stories to tell! And two of my friends and I actually each bought three pairs of matching underwear inspired by this girl, because her jeans were always so low that her underwear was clearly visible. Lace thongs over the top of your ripped Paige jeans are the way to go!!

We went to school for about like a gajillion hours a day. Not really, we went from 8-2. My class was 5 people, and we had grammar and conversation class together. Grammar class was kind of a certain type of hell, but we made it through it. Conversation was really fun! We just spoke in Spanish about life and sex and yadayadayada. You know how it goes! Anyways, after that we went to Acapulco. We had a bit of a scare during the last few days there, my friend and I thought we'd have to share a hotel room with this girl in Acapulco! Luckily we didn't, and we ended up sharing a room with two of our other friends. It was a room with two double beds and we had to share beds - not my favorite thing ever. But whatever, we were all so tired it didn't even matter!!! Acapulco was HOT. We'd step outside in the morning and sweat like 5 pounds away. It was gross but the pools and beaches felt nice!! I loveee just lying around in the sun. I got pretty tan if I do say so myself!

Speaking of tans ... I just want to give like a shout out to my favorite sunscreen ever. Neutrogenia Sheer Touch with Helioplex. It's light on your face but you can also use it on your body. AMAZING. Dermatologists reccomend it as like the best sunscreen or whatever because of this helioplex stuff. I brought 8 tubes of it with me and I didn't get sunburned! Everyone should definitely use it. Skin cancer is not cool!

I'm going to go, but I'll be updating soon hopefully! I haven't started back to school shopping yet, but when I do it'll probably be intense!! I have a list of what I'd like, but we all know you can't always get what you want. Oh well, it's going to work out. I'm just excited to go shopping!!


I'm a little boredddd right now and avoiding my AP Spanish homework! I hope everyone had a lovely 4th of July! I'm at my ranch for a month, and then I'm off to Mexicooo for 18 days and I'm super excited! But I realllly want to go shopping. What I really want right now is this mbmj bag. I really like this style, and I can't decide if I want that bag or this tote version. Hum de dum, difficult decisions!

I still haven't found anything this summer that I'm OBSESSED with and absolutely NEED to have (i.e. last summer's mbmj clock necklaces ..) But we all know that I will. :) I'm currently kind of obsessed with American Apparel ... I ordered a bunch of t-shirts and stuff from there and I think I should probably order more ASAP. I got the regular V-necks and one deep v! Everyone said the deep v's were way better but I like the regular ones too! The deep ones are almost too deep for me to wear without a tanktop or something under .. and when its summer who really wants to be wearing 5 shirts?? Not me. But I'm sure I'll be ordering a lot more very soon. And those shiny headbands are amazing ... I think I'll order every color. For $3.50, how can you not??

As soon as I get back from Mexico, I'm going into a full on dress search (as if I'm not in one already!) My best friend's 16th birthday happens to fall on the same day as her little sister's bat mtizvah! So basically ... that sucks. But we decided that we're going all out for this party, so we're going to wear fancy dresses, high heels, have gorgeous hair and makeup, and just make the day as good as it can be. Soo I'm looking for a dress and shoes. Maybe a yellow dress, so I can be like Belle in Beauty and the Beast. Hmm. This could take awhile.

I also need some boots to wear this fall. At least three pairs - 2 pairs of rainboots and one pair of flat, camel colored leather boots. I really want these Hunter wellies in yellow. I hate the rain, and I need something happy in my day! I also like these Kate Spade rainboots, I think they're happy too! I don't really need both pairs, but you never know what the weather will be like and when you'll get sick of your shoes! Last year in April, we had a rain record in the Bay Area, like the longest period of time with rain every day since ... I don't know when. It was HORRENDOUS. I hated it. Luckily we barely had any rain this year so all was good. As for the flat leather boots ... I don't know what I'll do. If anyone has any suggestions, please help! I was also thinking of bringing a pair of cowboy boots form Montana back home, because if anyone should be wearing cowboy boots in their outfits, it's me.

Once again, I hope you all had a fabulous 4th of July, and I hope nobody is suffering from any nasty hangovers! Oh, and if you are unlucky like me and have summer homework, start it now. It will suck, you won't want to do it, but it's better than leaving it until the last minute! If you do, then you can just think of me. I'll be back at home shopping, swimming, reading and eating (and leading a freshman orientation or two...) while you're slaving away over that awful homework. Basically, start it now. Even if it's just typing the title of one of the many emails you'll be sending your AP Spanish teacher (as I have done), you'll feel like you've done something! Good luck!!

Kors shoes on sale!

I just found these Kors shoes on sale on marked down from $195 to $58.50!!!! So I mean, that's pretty good. Sadly, they're only in a size 8. Or else I would've bought them, not necessarily because I like them, but because I love buying things on sale ... something I should do more often! Here's the link, if you're interested: KORS Dubois Open Toe Heel. They come in navy/white and black/white! So if you're the fortunate person with a size 8 foot and the $60 bucks to buy these, snatch them up! I don't even know whether I think they're cute or ugly, but that hasn't stopped me from buying things before!

Please tell me you think they're ugly to make me feel better about my big feet!!

Designer phones?

So we've all seen those silly designer things such as Dior contacts. But what about designer phones? Yeah there was the D&G Razr, DVF Sidekick, and maybe a Betsey Johnson or two thrown in. But what about a phone that the design house actually helped design? I had never heard of this phone before, until a guy showed me! In case the iPhone is just not your cup of tea, you can get something very similar, for just a few hundred more! It's the LG Prada, a touch screen phone similar to Apple's iPhone. It combines Prada's design with LG's technology. You can read CNET's review here, and some random blog's review of the iPhone vs. Prada here. And if you've decided that you'd like to drop some money on the Prada, you can buy one here for $699.99! At only $100 more than the 8 GB iPhone, you might as well pay to have the brand name! Or, you can be like me, sitting paitently waiting for my iPhone to come in the mail. :) Personally, I can't see myself wanting a designer phone ... I'd rather buy a pair of shoes or something! If J.Crew came out with a phone though ...

Have a lovely Monday!

spring/summer 07 shopping

So ... it's summer! Which means I'm in Montana wearing nothing but big tshirts and J.Crew shorts, dreaming of the lovely clothes I've left at home! Oh well, I'll be back sooner rather than later!

Speaking of home ... there's a slight possibility that I'll be moving in the next year or two! Not away from California, I'd probably die. I'm hoping I'll move, I hate my house now! Maybe you've seen it. It looks nice, but it's complete and utter crap. I hope I get to move!

So I've been shopping lately ... yay. Here's some rather recent stuff! I hope everyone's had as great a spring/summer as I have!

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mbmj clutch!

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Barney's mayan bag

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my third mbmj clock necklace!

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MBMJ wallet! whee

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J.Crew headbands, I'm addicted!

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Primp, Juicy! I LOVE the deer. I saw b.spears in some shorts ... if anyone has a link to those and wants to help out, that would be so kind! thanks!

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J.Crew, C&C!

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A.J. Morgan sunglasses from Anthro and some broken BP sunglasses ... hm

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Juicy leggos

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J.Crew! They're not very comfortable :(

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Joie, I love these!

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Miu Miu - such soft leather!

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Manolosss I love these

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Juicy and juicy!

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Anthro again ... SO SEE THROUGH!

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Vince jersey tees - IM OBSESSED. everyone should try these.

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Rubbish tanktops from BP nordstrom. i love these

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Michael Stars dress

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Anthro tee that I have not yet worn ..

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J.Crew coverups

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More J.crew...

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I kind of like J.Crew~

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Free people!

Life is good! I'll be posting back later! Adios!