Friday, July 14, 2006

MBMJ Bobble Watch is here!

The watches came! The apple is for my sister and the pear is for me! The boxes they came in are ADORABLE. The apple had a little green star (green apple?) and the pear had a golden one (golden pear?!). It was intense!

Awww they're hugging! You can see the golden star in this one! Aren't they just the cutest things ... ever?

Awww they're showing their faces (I thought it was funny when I first thought of it lol). I love them so much!

They look so much better in person than on the Nordstrom website! And that's basically all this entry is haha have a super weekend

1 comments on "MBMJ Bobble Watch is here!"

Anonymous said...

eek mer !
i love those watches !

MBMJ Bobble Watch is here!

The watches came! The apple is for my sister and the pear is for me! The boxes they came in are ADORABLE. The apple had a little green star (green apple?) and the pear had a golden one (golden pear?!). It was intense!

Awww they're hugging! You can see the golden star in this one! Aren't they just the cutest things ... ever?

Awww they're showing their faces (I thought it was funny when I first thought of it lol). I love them so much!

They look so much better in person than on the Nordstrom website! And that's basically all this entry is haha have a super weekend

1 Response to MBMJ Bobble Watch is here!

4:58 PM, November 08, 2006

eek mer !
i love those watches !